By popular demand, We now carry NutraFol Supplements! We have 5 Hair Growth Nutraceuticals for you to choose from!
Your Hair And Your Health Are Not Mutually Exclusive. Address Root Causes Of Thinning With Our Whole-body Approach.
🌱 Women: optimized for women who are 18-44 and experiencing signs of hair thinning.
🍼 Postpartum: optimized for women who have given birth within the last year, or are breastfeeding and experiencing signs of hair thinning and shedding.
⚖️ Balance: optimized for women experiencing hormonal changes, such as menopause.
🍃Vegan: optimized for women leading a plant-based lifestyle (available exclusively on sephora.com and with select professional providers).
👨 Men: optimized for men over 18 years who are experiencing hair thinning and/or want to be proactive about thinning